Experience clarity in love, destiny, and self-knowledge with expert psychic Maya Britan The Creator Artist of I Am One Tarot Deck

Los Angeles CA. 90036 Online & In person

By Appointment Only

I Am One Tarot Deck 78 Cards by Maya Britan
I Am One Tarot Deck 78 Cards by Maya Britan


Accurate Psychic Readings

Psychic Tarot Readings

In-Person Readings

Visit my Los Angeles studio for an immersive tarot experience tailored to your needs.

Virtual Readings

Schedule a video session from anywhere in the world for accurate and insightful tarot guidance.

Siral Spread Tarot card reading with I Am One deck
Siral Spread Tarot card reading with I Am One deck

The I Am ONE Tarot Deck 78 Cards

The instruction of how to precisely make those cards, are meticulously followed by the artist, as the information was given to a group of 5 people in Carmel, California during the 60's and publishes as "The Word Of ONE" book by Rosalind Sharp and John Cook 1962 (300 copies was in print).

The pure channeling of the material is written in mystical poetry flow of riddles, and it was given unto Rom Ethan whose channeled name was Given. He put together "The Book Of ONE" which was only made to 5 copies for the 5 original people of the Carmel, CA. group.
I was given a copy by Rosalind Sharpe just few weeks before she passed away in 1991.


12/28/18 Mandy A. NY review

Maya is an absolutely incredible woman. I have a hard time calling her psychic because she is so much more than that. I found Maya at a time when I was very broken and in need of reassurance. I am so thankful that my path crossed with Maya. She has been such a source of light,…

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Artist Psyc Reader Maya Britan creator of I Am One tarot deckhic TarotArtist Psyc Reader Maya Britan creator of I Am One tarot deckhic Tarot


Maya Britan


Location Details

Visit our art studio in Los Angeles or schedule a virtual reading from anywhere in the world for accurate tarot insights.


Los Angeles, CA 90036


Mon-Sun 11:30 am to 6:00pm

Contact Maya for Info

Reach out for tarot readings and artwork inquiries. Maya is here to provide insights and creative expressions tailored to your needs.


206 718 2267

